Saturday, October 4, 2008

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist

Michael Cera ... Nick
Kat Dennings ... Norah
Aaron Yoo ... Thom
Rafi Gavron ... Dev

This is a charming teen movie with a heart and a lot of laughs. There's also some really great music.

Micheal Cera is an amazing young talent and he carries this movie as far as the acting goes. This young man is one to watch.
There are a few shortcomings to the film. Generally the supporting actors are mediocre. The story kind of drags in places and there's a sorry little stereotypical scene of drag queens in a gay club that was only thrown in for shock value.
The theater was packed with teenagers and they all laughed out loud throughout the movie.
The ending is predictable but still enjoyable.

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